Scribbles Day Nursery
Our Passion, Their Future
Acting Room Leader
Level 3 in Childcare
Paediatric First Aid Trained
Food Allergy Awareness Trained
Advanced Safeguarding trained
Bluebells Class Room
Welcome to our Bluebells Room, our 2-3 year olds room. At this age children are starting to learn so many different things all at once. They are experiencing making friends, potty training, sharing, sitting at a table, to communicate their needs and learning to
In the Bluebells Room we like to nurture the children’s natural instinct to explore and be curious through lots of messy play and sensory experiences. Whether it’s finding pasta worms in the mud, walking barefoot over bubble wrap, mixing up gloop or searching through the mirror maze, we give the children lots of engaging and new opportunities to learn through doing. The varied toys and resources are stored at child’s level and give the children the opportunity to be curious and develop their own choices/ interests.
We also like to spend lots of time in the outside environment (garden or local outings) where the children can learn about nature and do lots of physical play in open spaces to express themselves in different ways.
Our daily routine provides consistent and familiar care for the children that covers all of the areas in the EYFS.